[dev] Skeleton

Jon Parise jon at horde.org
Thu Oct 30 11:33:11 PST 2003

On Wed, Oct 29, 2003 at 09:42:36PM -0600, Ron Cooper wrote:

> Is there some kind soul out there that could possibly find the time in
> their extremely busy schedule to complete Skeleton and ensure it is
> functional?

In what way is it not functional?
> I had 5 business apps that did work in Horde 3 days ago but now do not.
> This does not come as a big surprise, Its CVS after all.  But quite
> frankly,  with the latest changes I'm completely clueless. 

At what point did the code stop working?  When it stopped working, did
you review the list of changes?  Have you tried sync'ing back to the
earlier ("working") code in CVS?

> I'm really kinda frustrated with all this PHP stuff.  The years I spent
> writing assembler was easy, but this OO PHP class stuff is a little out
> of my realm of understanding.  *sigh*.  Why is it I find writing a device
> driver in C to be so trivial, yet this PHP OO stuff so difficult to
> follow?  I guess I'm just too old.
Having a "complete" Skeleton module is not going to improve this
situation.  Horde is a complicated PHP application, and while I
understand your goal here is not to necessarily learn PHP, you might
want to cut your teeth on something simpler.

Jon Parise (jon at horde.org) :: The Horde Project (http://horde.org/)

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