[dev] memcached support for database driven sessions

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Mon Dec 22 12:49:19 PST 2003

Quoting Michael Yingbull <mbull at uoguelph.ca>:

> It's the backend that's used for LiveJournal.com - or rather, part of it.
> They were the main development effort behind it by the looks of it.  First I
> heard of it was some mention in their lj_dev community.

Huh. I'm not sure if that recommends it, or not. :)

> It does look quite nifty.......  what about the persistance are you referring
> too?

Between reboots of the server, for instance. Does it save the cached data to
disk somewhere? Or can we only use it as a cache for data that's stored


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck at horde.org>
"I'm really... I'm not too fascinated by green food." - Average Joe

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