[dev] Re: [cvs] commit: horde/templates/javascript tree.js

Martin Ebourne lists at ebourne.me.uk
Thu Sep 16 08:31:46 PDT 2004

On Thu, 2004-09-16 at 15:58, Ben Chavet wrote:
> I personally think the default arrow (not the hand) feels right, but I 
> see what
> you mean by not wanting to hide the functionallity.
> I propose we make this a preference.

I've been following this and agree with everyone else that a good
solution to this is required. I haven't had any better ideas than anyone
else, so kept quiet.

On this point though I must say I think this would be a really bad
example of a preference. Personally I feel this should not be made
configurable because it should 'just work'. That is at least one thing
the Gnome project is right about, even if they do go too far sometimes.



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