[dev] Re: [cvs] commit: horde/templates/javascript tree.js

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Thu Sep 16 10:06:08 PDT 2004

Zitat von Martin Ebourne <lists at ebourne.me.uk>:

> On Thu, 2004-09-16 at 15:58, Ben Chavet wrote:
>> I personally think the default arrow (not the hand) feels right, but I
>> see what
>> you mean by not wanting to hide the functionallity.
>> I propose we make this a preference.
> I've been following this and agree with everyone else that a good
> solution to this is required. I haven't had any better ideas than anyone
> else, so kept quiet.
> On this point though I must say I think this would be a really bad
> example of a preference. Personally I feel this should not be made
> configurable because it should 'just work'. That is at least one thing
> the Gnome project is right about, even if they do go too far sometimes.

Agreed, and FWIW I think the current solution is the best of all the ones
proposed so far.


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