[dev] Deprecating Troll, again.

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Wed May 24 15:14:26 PDT 2006

I'd like to revisit deprecating Troll.

It's a relatively complicated application, it seems to be used very  
little, and people serious about usenet have plenty of good choices,  
many of them desktop based. With the number of developers we have  
right now, I just don't think it makes sense to keep it - the best  
way, it seems, to get _more_ developers and a more active community is  
to focus more so our resources go farther on what we really do want to  

Unless someone can convince me or another core developer otherwise,  
I'm going to archive it, close the existing tickets, etc., soon.  
Existing releases will stay available, of course, and the entire CVS  
tree will be downloadable from the ftp.horde.org archive/ directory  
with other old projects.


"we are plastered to the windshield of the bus that is time." - Chris

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