[dev] Agora per scope or forum permissions

Duck duck at obala.net
Wed Nov 1 06:37:23 PST 2006

With the last patch, you can delegate a permission per forum scope or per 
every single forum in a scope. For example you can have a special 
administrator for comments in Ansel and delegate an user to edit posts only 
under his galleries.

New permissions syntax: agora:scope:forum_id.  
The old agora:admin remains for BC.

To display a message threads you must have the READ permission. To post a 
comment you must have the EDIT permission. And for administration (locking, 
deleting, moderation) you must have the DELETE permission.

The post form rendering is changed. Now the user is notified if he cannot post 
a comment because of thread lock. And if he don't have the needed rights, you 
can show him a custom message provided in template. The provided example 
message is the mostly used case where guests can read comments and 
authenticated user can post them. So the default template comes with “Please 
sign up first!” if the users has now rights – is quest and must sign up.


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