[dev] Horde 3.2 releases

Michael Rubinsky mike at theupstairsroom.com
Sun May 13 13:37:33 UTC 2007

Quoting Duck <duck at obala.net>:

> On Sunday 13 of May 2007 06:25:16 Chuck Hagenbuch wrote:
>> Finally, the one main issue I see for the 3.2 release is whether we  
>>  try to do something about DataTree usage. My instinct is that  
>> removing  it completely is too big a change for what is technically  
>> a minor  release, and that the improvements that have gone into  
>> HEAD will make  it usable for now. But I'd like feedback and  
>> thoughts on this.
> IMO we should remove it, since is one of the main bottleneck and Horde4 won't
> hit the streets soon.  Or at least avoid its usage in problematic parts like
> permissions. Then why release Ansel and Trean using shares based on DT if we
> are going to remove it sooner or later?

While I agree that DT needs to be removed, I don't think that doing so  
in a minor point release is the best time to do it.  Your talking  
about changing things like how the permissions system and shares  
operate and rewriting them will no doubt require significant changes  
to to more or less _stable_ code.  IMO, while DT can be a significant  
bottleneck, at least it is stable and predictable.  The time to make  
such significant changes is during a major release (IMO, of course).

As far as why relase Ansel & Trean, well, the code is already written,  
so why not release it? Especially since other, released apps, make use  
of their APIs (at least for Ansel).  Yes, it will require upgrades  
when DT is removed, but that doesn't change if it's released or not,  
and like you said, Horde 4 won't be hitting the streets tomorrow, so I  
say release them now so people can enjoy them!

Of course, all totally IMHO.


The Horde Project (www.horde.org)
mrubinsk at horde.org
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