[dev] Checking Joomla templates

dim corso dimcorso at yahoo.com
Sat Mar 8 14:29:08 UTC 2008

more details about our aproach:
     Exactly! the idea is to have a High level Layout component that renders the interface of an app acording to a layout file wich contains only zones distribution in html formats. For example, a layout may be  a table and in the first row there is an invocation to a method that renders a top zone. Something like this:
             <?php  $flex->Render_zone("top")     ?>

 We'll have a abstract renderer which can render the default zones, but this class may be extended in each app in order to render some other custom zones. 
 So. What and scrip of an app have to do before renders the interface?
     the same they do actually. Load the variables needed by the .inc files. this .inc files will contiue being usefull because this is the way in wich an app defines the content of a zone in a layout.
 So we can sustitute this part of the scripts :
         require NAG_TEMPLATES . '/common-header.inc';
         require NAG_TEMPLATES . '/menu.inc';
         require NAG_TEMPLATES . '/tasklists/tasklists.inc';
         require $registry->get('templates', 'horde') . '/common-footer.inc';
 with something like this:
     //the contents of the left block
    $GLOBALS['content']['left'] = array('left','left1');
     //renders the interface
 the framework may most have a folders in which the layout.htm files most be placed in order to load them dinamically. 
 Well. Need more details? How do you see that? 
 regards. Deny Lester.

Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck at horde.org> wrote: Quoting dim corso :

> going back over this topic, the Idea is to define a layout schema  
> for each horde app that allows to distribute content and aparience  
> of the pages in a custom way.
> Think about to join Horde_view funtionalities with this new  
> capabilities, I see this is strong an flexible patter to build the  
> interface for the Horde apps.
> We are needing this fueatures to star a big project based on Horde  
> FW as Elier said some days before, and we're just loocking for your  
> aproval and contribution to start working around this.

If you are looking for "official" approval I'm going to want a few  
more details. If you want to just get it started and see where it  
goes, well, please do share what you have. :)

I don't think what you're talking about should be integrated directly  
into Horde_View. A higher-level Layout component (that pulled together  
multiple views) might be a good thing and match what you want, though.


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