[dev] Release plan

Michael J Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Sat Aug 13 15:30:28 UTC 2011

Quoting Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>:

> The next date for the minor version releases in our release scheme  
> (http://wiki.horde.org/Doc/Dev/ReleaseCycle) is only two months  
> away. I don't see us adding any major features that warrant a minor  
> version bump for the applications in these few weeks though.

Agree. Though if jqm goes stable, and we complete the mobile apps'  
feature set, might that warrant a point release for at least  
imp/kronolith? I might be able to get to adding the  
recurrence/exception editing interface elements in (d)kronolith if we  
really want a point release. Otherwise, I'm fine with putting the  
point releases off until the next 6 month cycle. It would definitely  
take some of the time pressure off.

> We added a lot of new small features with the maintenance releases,  
> and we should consider being much stricter with following  
> http://wiki.horde.org/Doc/Dev/Branches in the future. Especially  
> now, that the code base has much more stabilized since the H4 release.

Agreed, though it's hard to put off making cool new features we are  
proud of available to everyone :)

> - Ansel

I still need to perform a final audit of the recent share and storage  
chagnes, clean up some things, and would like to break out an abstract  
storage class (Gunnar had indicated he would like to write a kolab  
driver for Ansel). Besides that, I would *really* like to get Ansel  
refactored to use HordeMap instead of the deprecated version of  
Google's API it currently uses. The other stuff on my Ansel wish list  
can wait until its next point release.

> - Chora (?)

Honstly not sure if this is ready or not. There are still enough  
personal irritations that cause me to use github for my repository  
browsing needs. To be fair though, I haven't gone back to it yet to  
test in depth within the last 6 months or so.

> - Hermes (with or without ajax?)

I believe the biggest missing piece currently is the search  
functionality. Even if I get to complete this part in time, there are  
still chuncks of the interface that show hints of upcoming  
functionality that are not implemented yet, and likely won't be by  
October. E.g., I have plans to expand support for managing  
projects/costobjects (reports/due dates etc...). My wish would be to  
include the ajax view, set the use_ajax(?) pref to false by default,  
and mark it as a beta feature in the 2.0 release.

Ben, are you (or maybe the llc) still interested in sponsoring the  
completion of the search functionality? I would estimate somewhere  
around 6 hours to complete. There was also some talk of sponsoring a  
basic mobile view (with timers, listing current slices and adding new  
slices), are we still on hold for that?

> Due to personal time constraints, October 11th would be a good  
> release date for me, or if we don't want to wait that long,  
> September 20th.

For the parts that I am more or less responsible for, I doubt I'd be  
prepared for a September release. I only have a handful of days before  
the due date that I can dedicate. So I vote for October 11th. As far  
as helping with the actual release process, I can lend a few hours  
Tuesday morning if need be and I'd probably have some time on  
Wed/Thursday the week before the release.


The Horde Project (www.horde.org)
mrubinsk at horde.org

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