[dev] astral configuration question

Michael J Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Thu Dec 15 15:53:25 UTC 2016

Quoting Sebastian Birnbach <birnbacs at gmail.com>:

> Is it possible that Astral changed the implementation of
> Horde_Form_Type_Phone so that the astra API is called upon rendering?
> The project home page (http://www.oak-wood.co.uk/oss/astral) says: "Astral
> provides the telephony/dial service, making it possible to dial directly
> from phone numbers listed in your Turba address book, or anywhere else
> where Horde Form elements of the type 'phone' or 'cellphone' are used."
> Horde_Form_Type_Phone_Mobile inherits from Horde_Form_Type_Phone so this
> would make sense.However, I see no code in the distribution.
> BTW: it appears that the config/config.xml is following an outdated syntax
> and
> <configspecial name="list-horde-apps" />
> needs to be replaced with
> <configspecial application="horde" name="apps" />
>   Sebastian
> 2016-12-14 16:14 GMT+01:00 Sebastian Birnbach <birnbacs at gmail.com>:
>> How exactly does astral hook into turba? The docs say that with astra
>> there should be additional clickable items next to turba items of type
>> phone or cellphone but they don't show up for me.
>> Could somebody please shed some light on this so I can better debug it? Is
>> it done via a hook or a template, a config file or a registered Api?

You would be better off talking to the developer/maintainer of the  
Astral project. It's not a horde project, and from the looks of it  
Astral hasn't been updated since Horde 3 - so most likely won't work  
correctly with any recent version of Horde.

>> What I did so far:
>> * downloaded and copy horde/astral/ files from http://www.oak-wood.co.uk/
>> downloads/astral/
>> * registered application by copying provided config/registry.d/astral.php
>> to /usr/local/www/apache24/data/config/registry.d/astral.php
>> * copied astral/config/*.php.dist files to *.php files
>> * logged into admin console, created configuration
>> * set user preferences
>> Another thing (for those who are interested):
>> I am trying to use Astral with my SIP provider PlaceTel. I understand that
>> Astral will initiate an unencrypted TCP connection to the asterisk manager
>> interface and send the call originate command via this connection.
>> However, the API PlaceTel offers (https://www.placetel.de/
>> hilfe/telefonanlage/api-dokumentation) requires a HTTPS POST to a REST
>> service. I am hoping that I can extend or modify Astral for this variant.
>> Any support will be appreciated.
>> Thanks!
>>   Sebastian
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