[hermes] UI modification for Hermes

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Wed Jan 10 14:57:10 PST 2007

Zitat von Manilal K M <libregeek at gmail.com>:

> Hello all,
>  I have tested hermes(time tracking) and think that it may be nice to
> do some UI enhancements so that the non-techies should also be able to
> add/update task logs.
> 1. In most cases employees will submit the time only at the end of the
> month. This will create a very long page and it is tedious to scroll
> down each time to look what he/she had entered last.In the *My Time*
> screen the hours may be sorted in descending order. I know that this
> will affect the search screen. Some kind of parameters should be set
> to differentiate between *My time* and  *Search*

That make sense, and I can even see this being applied to the Search  
results too.

> 2. After adding a time the page should be re-directed to *My
> Time*.Currently after updating the time, the page is edirected to *My
> Time*. I would suggest the same feature in the case of *New Time*

I know that Chuck changed this by intention, because it allows to  
easily enter several time entries one after the other. And it sounds  
like this is a common scenario for your users too.

> 3. Customize the CSV reports: The CSV reports are generally used by
> the management people to evaluate and archive the timesheet for legal
> issues. The *Job Type Id* is not necessary in the case of CSV reports.
> Also there should be options to group the time according to date and
> put them in a single row.

That doesn't make sense. CSV is to transport the complete data,  
unmodified. If you don't need all the data or need to transform or  
group it somehow, you import it to a spreadsheet and process it there.


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