[horde] Page_Open problem (and I read the FAQ)

Doug Curtis doug.curtis at world-mail.org
Wed Apr 25 14:07:31 PDT 2001

I am running Redhat 7 and this is what I added to my php.ini file:

include_path    = ".:/usr/local/phplib"
auto_prepend_file       = "/usr/local/phplib/prepend.php3"

Of course, wherever you put phplib will be different but the syntax the same.  
It took me so many tries of using " instead of ' or no quotes at all.  Also, 
don't forget to restart your webserver if php was compiled as a DSO.

Try it and see if it works for you.


Quoting Todd Aiken <taiken at ubishops.ca>:

> Hi list.  This is absolutely driving me insane!  My horde/test.php3 page
> is giving me a nice red "No" telling me that page_open is not defined. 
> I 
> know that the FAQ says that it is because PHPLIB is not in the include
> path, but it IS according to phpinfo().  Is there anything else that can
> cause this error?
> Horde Versions
>      Horde: 1.2.4 
>      IMP: 2.2.4 
> PHP Version
>      PHP Version: 4.0.4pl1 
>      PHP Major Version: 4 
>      PHP Minor Version: 4pl1 
>      PHP Version Classification: release 
>      You are running a supported release of PHP4. Enjoy the ride! 
> PHP Module Capabilities
>      IMAP Support: Yes 
>      LDAP Support: Yes 
>      MySQL Support: Yes 
>      PostgreSQL Support: No 
> PHPLIB Configuration
>      track_vars: Yes 
>      PHPLIB (is page_open() defined): No 
> Miscellaneous PHP Settings
>      magic_quotes_gpc set to Off: Yes 
>      magic_quotes_runtime set to Off: Yes 
> In /usr/local/lib/php.ini:
> include_path    =  /var/lib/apache/phplib:.
> auto_prepend_file       /var/lib/apache/phplib/prepend.php3
> track_vars      on
> magic_quotes_gpc        off
> According to phpinfo():
> Configuration File (php.ini) Path     /usr/local/lib
> nclude_path     /var/lib/apache/phplib:.
> What am I doing wrong?
> CU L8R...

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