[horde] MySQL Error: 1046 (No Database Selected)

Dusan Djordjevic dj.dule at tradal.net
Tue Nov 6 00:56:51 PST 2001

OK, i fixed this problem, but now I have another one. test.php3 says 
everything is ok, clicking on 'Click here to test PHPLIB for Horde' says 
everything is OK. I installed imp via setup.php3, but when I point to imp 
directory i get bunch of errors like:

Database error: Invalid SQL: insert into active_sessions ( sid, name, val, 
changed ) values
('c8088cd3b45671b030b6293dd93a28e5', 'HordeSession',
MySQL Error: 1062 (Duplicate entry 
'HordeSession-c8088cd3b45671b030b6293dd93a28e5' for key 1)
Session halted.

Any sugesstions ??
Dusan Djordjevic, system administrator
Tradal Ltd, Cypriot Branch - http://www.tradal.net

>From yavuz at w3b.nl Date: Wed,  7 Nov 2001 12:14:38 +0100
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Subject: gettext not working?

Horde/IMP still don't do anything with the language change I make on the login 
screen or in the prefs.

As mentioned in the file horde/imp/po/README I have started testing if gettext 
is working.

> Do you have any .mo files? Usually in /usr/share/locale/?
Yes I do.

> Does gettext even work?
> Get a string to translate,
> $ strings /bin/tar | grep Memory

Nah, does report nothing. However:
$ strings /bin/tar | grep memory
memory exhausted
Cannot allocate memory for blocking factor %d

> $ (LANG=nl; gettext tar "Memory exhausted" )
Nothing happens. So I try:
$ (LANG=nl; gettext tar "memory exhausted" )
nothing happens

I change memory exhausted in something different I have extracted from the 
file /usr/share/locale/nl/LC_MESSAGES/tar.mo, but nothing happens.

All other tests don't report the right text.

So does gettext work? No I think, but why? This is a fresh install of Mandrake 

$ rpm -qa|grep gettext

Help is appreciated.

Best Regards,

Yavuz Aydin
yavuz at w3b.nl

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