[horde] Seg Faults in Apache2 (Horde FrmWrk - CVS)

Edwin Culp eculp at MexComUSA.Net
Wed May 22 21:33:34 PDT 2002

Quoting Rodolfo Segleau <segleaur at mechanus.org>:

| <snip> 
| > It sure did on mine.  I was amazed.  With configure, what ever you 
| > normally use.  Just don't forget 
| > 
| >  --with-mysql=/usr/local --with-gettext=/usr/local and  --with-imap
| > 
| > I have a bad habit of throwing in too much:-)
| > 
| > ed
| > 
| Well, PHP4.2.1 did clear up the seg faults,
One for the good guys :-)

| but then I guess I was
| attributing 
| the "cannot display error" in IE to the seg faults in Apache2. It hasn't
| helped 
| with those pages. It's the same pages: when you first logon into IMP, when
| you 
| try to access kronolith, after trying to logon in Gollem and the backend.php
| to 
| Jonah. There are no errors in any of the logs. Strange. Any ideas? 

I haven't seen the IE error.  Are you able to see any pages?

| Cheers, 
| Rodolfo

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