[horde] Seg Faults in Apache2 (Horde FrmWrk - CVS)

Dan Wilson dan at acucore.com
Wed May 22 22:07:55 PDT 2002

Quoting Rodolfo Segleau <segleaur at mechanus.org>:

> > One for the good guys :-)
> Kudos for you pointing this one out. I was hestiant to move to PHP 4.2.1
> since 
> I wasn't sure if the support for Apache2 was any better than 4.2.1
> > 
> > I haven't seen the IE error.  Are you able to see any pages?
> > 
> Yes actually. I don't have an issue with RC2 (Horde, IMP, Turba and
> Kronolith). 
> As I placed at the beginning, it's only certain apps that gives these errors.
> For example, when you first login (I have IMP doing the authentication), the
> first page it displays is "Cannot Display Page" error message from IE. 

Turn off the "friendly HTTP error messages" in IE and see if you can see a 
better error message.  This is located in the Advanced tab in Internet 
Options.  No guarantees that this will help... just something to try.


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