[horde] Installing Horde + IMP on a hosted site (not a dedicated server)

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Mon Dec 16 13:53:53 PST 2002

Zitat von Arnaud KLIPFEL <arnaud at klipfel.net>:

> Hello,
> I wish to install Horde + Imp on my web space (hosted by OVH.COM)
> It's not my server, but a server shared by a lot of users (not a
> dedicated server)
> I've 720Mo of space, unlimited databases (MySQL), etc...
> I've a domain name too
> But, I don't have tha ability to choose the names of my databases...
> If I would like to create a database, I must made a request to OVH...
> I would like to know if IMP+Horde could be installed on web space
> hosted by other than me (I'm not administrator of the SQL Server)

Sure, just add the database tables to the database the provider gave you.


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