[horde] Re: akk~ PEAR!!

Tony Earnshaw tonni at billy.demon.nl
Thu Jan 2 02:50:39 PST 2003

stor, 2003-01-02 kl. 10:50 skrev Hector:

> I downloadad your file unzipped ale put them to them as a PEAR 
> catalogue. Because of the PHP 4.3.0 pear needs some files from 
> distriburion I had to mix the dist. files with yours.
> And ofcourse it doesn't work:
> http://webmail.neotek.waw.pl/horde/test.php
> - PEAR - Yes
> - Recent PEAR - No
> - This version of PEAR is not recent enough. See the Horde PEAR page for 
>   details.
> - Mail::RFC822 - Yes
> - Log - Yes
> - DB - Yes

This should be in a FAQ somewhere.

1: If you've installed PHP4.3 on Linux/Unix, then you have a pear
directory within the compile directory. Get the latetst pear CVS from
pear.php.net, install it in that directory, make clean, run configure,
make and make install for PHP again;


2: Even if you've compiled an Apache DSO or built-in static PHP, compile
a CGI PHP as well and copy it to /usr/local/bin. Then you should have a
utility "pear" that you can run from the command line; it is a mini
equivalent to CPAN - when you are on the Internet, you can use it to
upgrade/update your pear installation.

1068 [root:billy.demon.nl] /root # pear
Usage: pear [options] command [command-options] <parameters>
Type "pear help options" to list all options.
Type "pear help <command>" to get the help for the specified command.
config-get             Show One Setting
config-help            Show Information About Setting
config-set             Change Setting
config-show            Show All Settings
cvstag                 Set CVS Release Tag
download               Download Package
info                   Display information about a package
install                Install Package
list                   List Installed Packages
list-all               List All Packages
list-upgrades          List Available Upgrades
login                  Connects and authenticates to remote server
logout                 Logs out from the remote server
makerpm                Builds an RPM spec file from a PEAR package
package                Build Package
package-dependencies   Show package dependencies
package-validate       Validate Package Consistency
remote-info            Information About Remote Packages
remote-list            List Remote Packages
run-tests              Run Regression Tests
search                 Search remote package database
shell-test             Shell Script Test
sign                   Sign a package distribution file
uninstall              Un-install Package
upgrade                Upgrade Package
upgrade-all            Upgrade All Packages

1069 [root:billy.demon.nl] /root # 




Tony Earnshaw

When all's said and done ...
there's nothing left to say or do.

e-post:		tonni at billy.demon.nl
www:		http://www.billy.demon.nl

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