[horde] snapshot installation questions

Tony Earnshaw tonni at billy.demon.nl
Mon Jan 6 05:55:29 PST 2003

man, 2003-01-06 kl. 00:12 skrev Rob Brandt:

> I have MySQL installed and running already.  A lot of stuff in use
> there already.  And I also have phpMyAdmin.  I do a lot of
> PostNuke development :')  I don't intend to use ldap.  I prefer to
> stick with imap authentication.

Bear in mind that I'm a Horde Newbie.

Ermmm ... where do you think Imap gets its authrization from? Unix/Linux
/etc/passwd etc., NIS or ldap is the answer (/etc/nsswitch.conf). Mine
gets it from both files and ldap. That bit's all right, it's the Horde
settings that don't work properly with ldap. It comes far too short at
the moment, I'm sure Chuck would admit to it being "work in progress."

> Are you saying that the
> groups/users/permissions settings are only for SQL authentication?

They don't work properly with ldap anyway. I tried. Mine get stuffed
into MySQL horde_categories. However, that doesn't work properly for me
yet, either (if I try to share tasks, calendars etc. it doesn't work).
Just about everything else (many Horde subcomponents) works brilliantly.

Syncing SQL and ldap passwords doesn't work, my "users" have to do both
a SQL and an ldap password change. They can choose their own passwords
for both. As far as ldap is concerned, this is 100% based on the actual
ldap tree and ACLs, which are entirely independant of Horde and common
for all ldap clients (like GQ or PHP4 applications, for example).

> If so, and if there's a payoff, I'll consider that.  What kinds
> of things can be controlled with groups and permissions?

For me, nada. It doesn't seem to match up with any rights, but perhaps
that's me.

> I looked
> for sql scripts for these tables, but didn't see anything that
> would deal with a groups or permissions table.

It gets remembered :-) Look in horde_categories

> Further down, after I noted my difficulty in saving
> configurations, you  noted that I really need a backend.
> Configurations for IMP stored in SQL rather than conf.php?

For me in horde_preferences

> That
> would be cool, but I didn't realize that's a possibility.  Maybe
> that's my whole problem(?)

That's what I was guessing at.




Tony Earnshaw

When all's said and done ...
there's nothing left to say or do.

e-post:		tonni at billy.demon.nl
www:		http://www.billy.demon.nl

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