[horde] Status of Install.. The saga continues

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Wed Jan 8 10:40:07 PST 2003

I'm not going to respond to these laundry lists any more. You are dumping a
huge number of problems with us with none of the information required for us
to troubleshoot them. There are lists for all of these apps. Please send
individual bug reports with actual details, and please stop resending bugs
that have been acknowledged.

Quoting "Michael J. Pawlowsky" <mikejp at videotron.ca>:

> kronolith:
> Event shows up in a month view, but not in the week or day view.

Kronolith works fine. Your installation is broken.

> Troll:
> I still get the can't display message.

I said this was a known problem and am working on it in CVS.

> Also the menu item of hide unsbscribed groups should be remembered as a
> preference.
> (Takes forever to load a ALL newsgroups server).
> Also even when I'm in "Don't show unsubsrcibed view" I still had this as
> a menu choice.
> When I click on it again I get "Show all"
> And there needs to be a way to limit what groups are allowed.
> a newsrc.php if i remember right. Been a while since I setup a NNTP
> server.

Great. Send patches. Troll needs work.


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck at horde.org>
must ... find ... acorns ... *thud*

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