[horde] License Issue

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Mon May 5 06:01:35 PDT 2003

Quoting wjue <wjue at wjue.org>:

> For some reasons I prefer to release it with a less liberal license to
> GPL, I searched around and I found the IPB
> (http://www.invisionboard.com/?license) license interesting. My purpose
> here is to request your opinions, particularly opinions of the Horde
> team members, if you think that I made a really bad or wrong choice
> please offer your suggestions, I am willing to make necessary
> modifications to reach a reasonable license term. You can find my Xoops
> Modulizor for Imp and for Kronolith on my site
> (http://www.wjue.org/guanxicrm/).

You cannot choose a different license (either more or less restrictive,
doesn't matter) for the code. You are welcome to *sell* it, however if you
do, any buyer has all the rights that the GPL gives them and may do
anything that that allows, including redistribution. And if you make it
available for download without purchase, it must be under the GPL.


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck at horde.org>
Horde Project leader and founder: http://www.horde.org/
Resume: http://marina.horde.org/chuck/resume.pdf

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