[horde] Progress with "You must configure a Category backend to use Horde." error

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Sun Jan 11 09:42:04 PST 2004

Quoting Craig White <craigwhite at azapple.com>:

> I did - commenting out the two lines that include the check for
> !isset($conf['category']['driver]) like ...
> /horde.head/lib/Perms.php
>     function Perms()
>     {
>         global $conf;
>         //              if (!isset($conf['category']['driver'])) {
>         //                   Horde::fatal(sprintf(_("You must configure
> a Category backend to use %s."),
> $GLOBALS['registry']->getParam('name')),\
>  __FILE__, __LINE__);
>         }


> gets me the following message...
>   Parse error: parse error, expecting `T_OLD_FUNCTION' or `T_FUNCTION'
> or `T_VAR' or `'}'' in /var/www/html/horde.head/lib/Perms.php on line
>    53

Right. There's a clause there that looks like this:

if (condition) {

You commented out the first two lines. The next one now ends the function. Thus
breaking, badly, the whole file. Thus your error.


> and in checking line 785 in horde.head/lib/Registry.php it becomes a
> circular reference to me and I don't understand what's breaking down.

Not circular at all.


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck at horde.org>
"Here, I brought some cole slaw. It's made from peeeooople! Just kidding."

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