[horde] ldap vs. SQL backend

Chris Paul chris.paul at sentinare.net
Fri Feb 13 12:03:38 PST 2004


I'm using OpenLDAP 2.1.25 as a backend. Things work pretty darn well. 
I'm happy with the way IMP and turba work (though I haven't gotten 
private ldap directories set up yet... public works fine). I'll even go 
so far to say that as someone who has never been fond of any web-mail 
client, I've been using IMP to read my email at times. (that's the nice 
thing about IMAP: you can switch MUA).

My question is this: Why LDAP? Why SQL? What are the pros and cons of 
LDAP vs SQL backends? Why would you pick one over the other? What's not 
possible with one that is with the other.

I'm guessing LDAP has:

1. quicker lookups (database reads)
2. no duplication of account information (utilize existing 
organizational directory)

Are there any advantages to using SQL? (Maybe I can't think of any 
because I'm a mail/directory person.)

I'm thinking the pain of maintaining LDAP backends vs SQL backends may 
be an advantage to some organizations who have a lot of database expertise.

thanks, regards,

Chris Paul
Rex Consulting - Messaging and Security Solutions
+1 831.338.7712
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