[horde] HORDE cvs up'ing existing HEAD installation (was Re: (no subject))

Chris Paul chris.paul at sentinare.net
Fri Feb 13 14:23:05 PST 2004

David Bates wrote:
> Sure, if you haven't already updated your cvs version, do that, remember 
> to use the -Pd for update
> read the Readme file and the docs/Install
> In the framework directory there is a file called "install-packages", as 
> stated in the install file, you need to install the framework like so:
>    php -q install-framework.php

This all worked very well for me, but then I cvs up'd:

cd /var/www/horde; cvs -q up -Pd

And my HORDE didn't work. (I also tried re-running install-framework.php).

The apache log showed no errors, but my browser showed no HORDE.

I haven't had time to really look into it more. I just rolled back to 
what I had working the other day.

any ideas?


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