[horde] horde and mysql - Debiab system - required 'phptype' specified but horde doesn't think so

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Sun Sep 12 14:12:54 PDT 2004

Quoting Phil Reynolds <phil at tinsleyviaduct.com>:

> Sep 12 17:32:17 HORDE [emergency] [horde] Required 'phptype' not
> specified in authentication configuration. [on line 97 of
> "/usr/share/horde2/lib/Auth/sql.php"]
> Nobody I have asked so far seems to have the faintest clue why the
> settings as made by the packaging system are simply not being picked up
> on.

Why do you think they're not being picked up? Anyways, if they really aren't,
then it's probably a parse error somewhere. But it could be simply 
missing that


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