[horde] Upgrading problems...

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Wed Oct 27 07:42:19 PDT 2004

Quoting Michael Pelletier <mjpelletier at mjpelletier.com>:

> I tried last week to upgrade via cvs. I had a problem with the left menu
> (displaying the Horde, Mail, Organizing, etc). The menu was not able to be
> displayed after upgrading. I tried about an hour ago to cvs the source code
> again but I had the same problem. Again, the left frame/menu would 
> not display. Has anyone else had this problem?

Various people have seen it at various times. Without getting an error message
(check your javascript console), that's all I can tell you.


"But she goes not abroad in search of monsters to destroy." - John 
Quincy Adams

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