[horde] New install fails in multiple ways - particularly class pear and IMAP

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Thu Nov 18 02:06:22 PST 2004

Zitat von Iain Stevenson <iain at iainstevenson.com>:

> I seem to be having a lot of trouble getting a clean install of the latest
> Horde going.  I've installed Horde + Kronolith + Gollem + Mnemo + Turba +
> Trean.
> A lot of the time I'm getting 'Undefined class name 'pear' messages from
> just about any application.  What causes this?

This can't really happen unless you have a severely broken setup, e.g. some
PEAR.php file in your include path that is *not* part of the PEAR package.

> IMAP authentication seems to fail because it always tries to use SSL and
> the novalidate cert option seems not to do anything.  I'm running Cyrus

RTFM. If you don't want to use SSL, use "imap" or "imap/notls" for the
protocol parameter.


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