[horde] https problem - adds in :80

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Tue Nov 30 01:21:52 PST 2004

Zitat von Jesse Reynolds <lizst at va.com.au>:

> At 16:08 -0400 29/11/04, Jeff Warnica wrote:
>> On Tue, 2004-30-11 at 06:42 +1100, Jesse Reynolds wrote:
>>>  t to an empty string, and this appears
>>>  to be working, ie:
>>>       //'server_port' => $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']
>>>       'server_port' => ''
>> Without testing it, Ill point out that an empty string is not the same
>> thing as an undefined string. Try commenting it out completely.
> I've tried that, it makes no difference. You end up with a colon ":"
> with no port specified either way.
> I've had to go back to how it was, ie using the SERVER_PORT
> environment variable, and turning off HTTPS support completely,
> because having a : but no port specified seems to break Internet
> Explorer on Mac, which a number of my clients use and have been
> complaining very loudly about.
> So, is there another solution? If I was to attempt to disable the bit
> of code that is putting the port number in, I think this would fix it.

The problem seems to be that SERVER_PORT does not contain the correct port
number, which is strange. Try to locate the environment variable that
*does* contain the correct value and use that.


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