[horde] Add block to layout

Pablo Alsina palsina at gmail.com
Mon May 2 16:33:51 PDT 2005

> > > order to have its result displayed in the "standard" layout? Right now
> > > it returns a String, which replaces my whole layout, not just the
> > > Block where my app. resides.
> >
> > Then you probably don't return the content, but echo it.
> I'm doing that, but it replaces the "Layout frame" with what I echoe
> back to the browser. The sidebar and the top button bar is still
> there, but not the rest of my blocks in the Layout I use.
> What I would like to acomplish is to have the same layout loaded
> again, with some kind of small message telling the user if the message
> delivery was succesfull.
> Maybe I could redirect the browser with a Location header to the
> login.php page (which will display the layout as the user is already
> logged in), but the how do I get the result status displayed?

Ok, done. I just did that, and it worked. I'm queing a message using
the Notifications class, and then redirecting the user to the login
page, and works like charm.

Horde has been so far an excelent framework. Congratulations.

Thanks for your help.

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