[horde] cannot generate horde.conf; screen stays blank

Edwin L. Culp eculp at encontacto.net
Thu Jul 7 11:01:53 PDT 2005

Quoting dick hoogendijk <dick at nagual.st>:

> I'm a bit disappointed. I run a FreeBSD-5.4R system with PHP-4.3.11,
> apache-1.3.33, imap-uw/cclient and lots of PEAR.
> The install seems to go well. httpd.conf gets updated, restart apache en
> the horde/test.php comes up well. Exept for the fact that NO pear is
> found anywhere.
> I run a pear config-show and the php_dir that's there is exectly the
> same as horde test.php is using in probing, looking for pear. That's a
> bit weird en puzzling to me..
> Next thing I do is login on http://localhost/horde -> the root page
> should come up but all I see is a white screen with some menu options on
> top and a little menu on the left side. No matter what options a choose
> there, nothing happens.. the screen stays white/empty.

Don't know what version of horde/imp you are running but I'm running 
the head version with Freebsd 6.0 with no major issues.  

First you need to install the php4-pear port first and then you can 
decide to install the rest of pear from ports or directly with:
# pear install [whatever]

There is a  good step by step proceedure in horde/docs/INSTALL but not 
FreeBSD centric.

I have installed the following php5 extensions but are not all needed 
for horde and don't even have them all in etc/php/extensions.ini

lang/php5                databases/php5-mysql
archivers/php5-bz2       databases/php5-mysqli
misc/php5-calendar       security/php5-openssl
textproc/php5-ctype      devel/php5-pcre
ftp/php5-curl            devel/php5-pear
textproc/php5-dom        sysutils/php5-posix
graphics/php5-exif       www/php5-session
lang/php5-extensions     textproc/php5-simplexml
ftp/php5-ftp             net/php5-soap
graphics/php5-gd         databases/php5-sqlite
devel/php5-gettext       devel/php5-tokenizer
converters/php5-iconv    textproc/php5-wddx
mail/php5-imap           textproc/php5-xml
net/php5-ldap            net/php5-xmlrpc
converters/php5-mbstring textproc/php5-xsl
security/php5-mcrypt     archivers/php5-zlib

You only must have what is mentioned in horde/docs/INSTALL

With pear I just install     pear install -o Log Mail Mail_Mime DB Date File
     pear -d preferred_state=beta install -a Services_Weather

from the docs/INSTALL and then go through ALL the different apps 
included in test.php and install everything that is missing.  Just get 
rid of the red ink;)

I also have installed:

sysutils/pecl-fileinfo   print/pecl-pdflib
graphics/pecl-imagick    archivers/pecl-zip

from ports.

Really the above is just a reference and the good stuff is in 
horde/docs/INSTALL and probably on one of the wiki's but I don't have a 

good luck, I think you will find it rather uncomplicated although as 
this is your first you will want to read all the configuration files 
and their comments.


> A little warning is shown on the first config screen about a missing
> version number of horde and that I should regenerate. I would do that,
> _if_ I would be able to read someting so that I can fill in the right
> values ;-) ;-)
> Does anybody have _some_ clues about what could be wrong? Where to oook;
> what to test out..
> I would really like to try out horde/imp !

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