[horde] cannot generate horde.conf; screen stays blank

Edwin L. Culp eculp at encontacto.net
Fri Jul 8 12:05:12 PDT 2005

Quoting dick hoogendijk <dick at nagual.st>:

> On Thu, 07 Jul 2005 18:44:55 -0500
> "Edwin L. Culp" <eculp at encontacto.net> wrote:
> OK, I'm able to set horde up. I completed the configuration and like 
> the manual says chose to use imap auth.
> I run imap-uw with a self generated pem file. So port=993 / 
> imap/ssl/novalidate-cert should do it.
> Alas. The logon screen appears but I am NOT KNOWN. (I use this imap 
> server in my normal login account, so it's running alright ;-)

On the horde/imp/test.php at the bottom, can you access your imap 
server by manually configuring the form?

It will test different configurations and at least one should have a 
nice green success ;)

That exact same configuration either in setup->horde->authentication or 
in imp/config/servers.php inserted into one of the informational imap 
configurations, if you choose application->imp, should work with 
exactly the same results.  It is a good way of cofirming configuration, 
passwords, etc.

> I tried pam, passwd as alternatives but can not get these to work. I 
> don't use .htaccess files (generate password files with dbmmanage for 
> securing webdirectories).

I would try to not fix anythig that isn't broken.  I do that far too 
often and then have to put thing back the way they were.
> This is the warning I get on the lgon screen:
> Notice: (null)(): Can't connect to,993: Connection
The coma above between 22,993 looks somewhat suspicious to me but I 
don't know what the error format should be.

> refused (errflg=2) in Unknown on line 0

> Any advice / hints where to look further?
> I need to be able to log on as "Horde/root" before I can proceed 
> installing IMP and other packages.
> Why is IMAP not authenticating ?

I don't know but hopefully there is some information in your log files 
that will guide you if the above doesn't help you find it.  Maybe 
someone else who uses imap-uw can make some suggestions.


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