[horde] Updated Horde . . . aarrrrgh!

sisterscape sisterscape at yahoo.com
Fri Jul 29 15:06:13 PDT 2005

Our server, including Horde, was upgraded last night.  The interface is
more user friendly except for the login.  It no longer remembers my PW
and I get this message:

"Your Internet Address has changed since the beginning of your Mail
session. To protect your security, you must login again."

This is a real bummer.  I am on dial-up so I will have a different IP
address everytime I reconnect.  Is there a setting somewhere to change
this behavior? I know it's a security feature but I am the only one
with access to this computer so it's not an issue for me. This change
totally sucks as I'll have to type my login many, many times a day.

The upgrade also at my address book. :((

I'm not a happy camper right now.

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