[horde] MIMP authentication

Jason Dixon jason at dixongroup.net
Tue Aug 23 17:31:17 PDT 2005

On Aug 23, 2005, at 8:23 PM, Kevin M. Myer wrote:

> Quoting Jason Dixon <jason at dixongroup.net>:
>> But what about the rest of my apps that I wish to keep using the
>> default authentication for?
> What authentication are you using?  I'm assuming MIMP is connecting to
> the same
> mail server as IMP, so if thats the case, which means they're both  
> using the
> same authentication backend somewhere along the line, and you can  
> get around
> the Horde authentication by going directly to
> http://example.com/horde/mimp/login.php.

Yes, I see that it works fine, it's just not a very attractive login  
screen for normal users.  I hate to uglify the whole experience for a  
handful of users.  If there is indeed no other way around this, I  
guess I'll just install another instance of Horde/MIMP for these users.


Jason Dixon
DixonGroup Consulting

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