[horde] Fwd: Re: UTF-8 Charset problem in horde

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Wed Nov 16 03:49:06 PST 2005

----- Weitergeleitete Nachricht von pol at techinfo.be -----
     Datum: Wed, 16 Nov 2005 12:46:30 +0100
       Von: Pol <pol at techinfo.be>
Antwort an: Pol <pol at techinfo.be>
   Betreff: Re: [horde] UTF-8 Charset problem in horde
        An: Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>

Le mercredi 16 novembre 2005 à 12:41 +0100, Jan Schneider a écrit :
> Zitat von Pol <pol at techinfo.be>:
> > Can you tell me what I'm doing wrong, I just want accents to be well
> > diplayed in horde AND phpmyadmin.

The problem is when I modify it in phpmyadmin, it's well displayed in
it, but not in horde...

> Then ask the phpMyAdmin guys, as Horde is obviously working fine with 
> the UTF-8 code. Also note that there is much more involved than the 
> phpMyAdmin configuration file. It's important which charset the table 
> actually use, which charset has been configured in Horde, which 
> charset is used in the browser etc.

I use utf8 everywhere, browser, codepage, charset, ... no trace of
iso-xxxx-xx somewhere...

> Jan.
> -- 
> Do you need professional PHP or Horde consulting?
> http://horde.org/consulting/

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