[horde] Trying to setup using latest snapshot.

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Sat Jun 23 04:08:34 UTC 2007

Quoting Anant Athavale <asa at isac.gov.in>:

> OK.  Here is the output.
> Discovery of channel "pear.horde.org" failed (channel-add: Cannot open
> "http://pear.horde.org/channel.xml")
> Failed to register pear.horde.org; you must fix this before continuing.
> I know this is due to no connectivity to internet.  My system is not
> connected to internet, then how do I continue.

Copy a PEAR root dir from another server after initializing the horde  
channel (or just run install-packages on another machine and copy the  
resulting files).

Or use horde-fw-symlinks instead of install-packages since you're  
installing from CVS anyway.


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