[horde] Ambiguous "Welcome," header

D G Teed donald.teed at gmail.com
Thu Aug 16 13:40:21 UTC 2007

Our webmail is working well.  Only problem now is going
to be the users returning to school this fall...

We would like to address an ambiguity in the Welcome
header of horde+imp webmail.  At the top of horde webmail,
after logging in, it displays: "Welcome, user at server.domain.tld"

This label causes the new student to believe their email is
user at server.domain.tld, while it is really user at domain.tld.

I believe this is coming from templates/portal/menu.inc

 <h1 class="leftFloat"><?php printf(_("Welcome, %s"),
htmlspecialchars($fullname)) ?></h1>

I'd rather have this not display (easy), or continue to provide the orientation
for those people with multiple accounts on multiple servers, but not
imply this is an email address.

I think this would be less confusing:

Welcome, user on imap_server_name

Should I hack menu.inc to do that, or is there a Better Way?


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