[horde] Ambiguous "Welcome," header

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Thu Aug 16 15:53:44 UTC 2007

Quoting D G Teed <donald.teed at gmail.com>:

> We would like to address an ambiguity in the Welcome
> header of horde+imp webmail.  At the top of horde webmail,
> after logging in, it displays: "Welcome, user at server.domain.tld"
> This label causes the new student to believe their email is
> user at server.domain.tld, while it is really user at domain.tld.
> I believe this is coming from templates/portal/menu.inc
>  <h1 class="leftFloat"><?php printf(_("Welcome, %s"),
> htmlspecialchars($fullname)) ?></h1>
> I'd rather have this not display (easy), or continue to provide the  
> orientation
> for those people with multiple accounts on multiple servers, but not
> imply this is an email address.
> I think this would be less confusing:
> Welcome, user on imap_server_name
> Should I hack menu.inc to do that, or is there a Better Way?

The better way is to create a preferences hook (see prefs.php.dist,  
hooks.php.dist, and the wiki for plenty of examples and documentation)  
to set their from_addr preference (their email) appropriately (and  
their fullname, if you have it somewhere).


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