[horde] Apple iCal and Kronolith

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Tue Jan 15 20:00:34 UTC 2008

Quoting Ryan Steele <rsteele at archer-group.com>:

> ...which lets me see existing events and add new events, syncing the
> changes with Kronolith without any manual publishing.  However, I'm
> having issues trying to accomplish this with Apple's iCal.  It seems the
> two issues are that:
> 1.  It always treats the calendars as read-only.
> 2.  It prompts me for the password when using rpc.php
> Is this expected/known behavior, and if so are there patches/workarounds
> more recent than the RC's?  Or, conversely, am I just going about this
> wrong?  I'd really like the iCal users to be able to subscribe to the
> calendars via the rpc.php file, and have the ability to directly edit
> the calendars like the Outlook/Thunderbird users.  Thanks for your hard
> work on the project, and I look forward to hearing from you!

Unfortunately iCal doesn't support read/write remote calendars as far  
as I know. So this is entirely expected.


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