[horde] LDAP backend

Manuel Molina Cuberos mmolina at webactiva.com
Tue Feb 12 13:05:18 UTC 2008

Hello all!

I don't know if this issue have been treated before. I've received the 
following warning changing the preferences of an LDAP user:

"Warning: ldap_mod_add() [function.ldap-mod-add]: Modify: Type or value 
exists in /usr/share/horde3/lib/Horde/Prefs/ldap.php on line 489"

Because of the version of our OpenLDAP backend, there's no way to 
instantiate the "top" objectclass. Now, all objectclasses in LDAP 
automatically instantiate "top", so you can't add the "top" objectclass 
if there's another one already (if you try, it results in an error).

I've circumvented this editing the source code of our file, to avoid the 
message, changing the following:

    /* Add any missing objectclasses. */
        if (!$top) {
          ldap_mod_add($this->_connection, $this->_dn, 
array('objectclass' => 'top'));


    /* Add any missing objectclasses. */
I've untouched the next check, about "hordeperson" objectclass.

We're using Debian Stable, and this is the list of our products versions:

Horde:   3.1.3-4etch2
OpenLDAP:   2.3.30-5

Do anybody already think about this issue ?


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