[horde] framework

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Thu Mar 27 20:24:24 UTC 2008

Quoting Edward Francis Klimowicz <edwardk at voicenet.com>:

>> Except that install-packages doesn't do any directory creation, it
>> just runs the PEAR installer. So this is a PEAR bug, at least in the
>> version of PEAR you have.
> But it's not pear's job to know magically where to put the files.  It's
> defined in the package.xml file, isn't it?
> To extrapolate further, I could tell pear to install a file as /usr/bin/gcc.
> And that /should/ fail; it's the expected behaviour.  I don't really see this
> as a bug in pear, when every other package gets installed in its  
> correct place.

No, you tell pear you want to install the file in <bin_dir>/gcc. PEAR  
decides what bin_dir is, though it's configurable so you (or your  
distribution) may have simply set PEAR up wrong.


"I have concerns that we are not behaving like a mature, responsible,  
collection of interdependent organisms." - Rick O.

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