[horde] devtools/horde-js-compress.php generated files missing final semicolon?

Michael M Slusarz slusarz at horde.org
Wed May 28 17:07:37 UTC 2008

Quoting Liam Hoekenga <liamr at umich.edu>:

> I'm trying to rebuild various "js" files from their "js/src"
> originals, and I've noticed something weird.  I don't know if it
> matters, but the files that Horde ships all have a semicolon as the
> final character before the EOL.  When I regenerate the files using
> devtools/horde-js-compress.php, my files are identical save that last
> semicolon.
> I'm using
>   * $Horde: framework/devtools/horde-js-compress.php,v 1.15 2008/05/14
>      01:20:59 slusarz Exp $
> with a yuicompressor.jar from the end of January.
> Is there a command I need to pass to get that trailing semicolon?
> Does it matter if it's not there?

For our purposes, it doesn't (since we don't normally concatenate  
files together and, if we do, we manually add delimiters to the end of  
each file).  I believe YUI compressor (as of 2.3) added this ';', but  
I bet jsmin is stripping it back out.  (I run files through both yui  
compressor and jsmin - you might be missing the jsmin part).


Michael Slusarz [slusarz at horde.org]

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