[horde] Problems with Dimp after having updated horde

Gerard Breiner gerard.breiner at ias.u-psud.fr
Fri May 30 09:28:31 UTC 2008


I meet some problems with dimp after having  done an update.

When I click on the link "Log Out"  I get a window for downloading. 
Moreover, when I click on the link "Portal" Dimp display the login of 
I'm stuck.
Is my information insufficient or nobody knows ?

My horde was operational before I decide to make an update.
At this time, the procedure I followed for trying to solve these 
problems is to reinstall all of the CVS horde distribution :

cvs co -r FRAMEWORK_3 horde
cvs co -r FRAMEWORK_3 framework
cvs co -r FRAMEWORK_3 imp
cvs co -r FRAMEWORK_3 dimp
cd framework; php install_packages.php

Then I set up my conf.php, backend.php servers.php prefs.php files
After having done this, there was errors logs yet :
PHP Notice:  Undefined index:  base_protocol in  
PHP Notice:  Undefined index:  imp_search in 
PHP Fatal error:  Call to a member function sessionSetup() on a 
non-object in /www/horde_v3.2-cvs/imp/lib/Session.php

So, I decided to do an update from the horde root :

cvs update -Pd cd  framework
php install_packages.php

Previous errors has disappeared but it remains the problems of dimp that 
I quoted above.

What is your feeling about all of this ?

Best regards


Université Paris-Sud 11
Institut D'Astrophysique Spatiale
Gérard Breiner
Rue Georges Clémenceau
fr-91405 Orsay-ville 

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