[horde] runtime-created function on line 1

Geert Batsleer batsleer at gmail.com
Mon Aug 25 11:23:25 UTC 2008

Hi all,

I've installed the latest webmail edition (1.1.2) and all works well.

I've also installed the latest vacation plugin (007-03-15: Vacation H3
(3.0.1) <http://lists.horde.org/archives/announce/2007/000320.html>) wich
also works OK but I see the following mesage in the bottom of the vacation

"*Warning*: unlink(/tmp/vfsoYjr67): Unknown file or directory in *
/var/www/html/allsites/www.kepthidden.com/mail/lib/VFS/ftp.php(160) :
runtime-created function* on line *1"

I searched the archive and saw a previous post from June where this message
also appeared in the forward plugin's page, unfortunealely his question
didn't got answered .

Any idea how I can get rid of this? The plugin itself works like a charm but
this crypted message can confuse end-users.

Best regards,


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