[horde] Users

Michael Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Mon Sep 15 21:39:04 UTC 2008

Quoting horde at corwyn.net:

> At 04:36 PM 9/15/2008, Eric Jon Rostetter wrote:
>> You're using IMAP authentication.
> yes, I know.   $conf[auth][params][app]  : imp being set to IMP is a  
> pretty big clue there that I caught.
>> Probably best.  Unless your Horde install is on your IMAP server, this
>> probably wouldn't work (as the passwd/shadow files on your Horde server
>> wouldn't be the same as those on your IMAP server, if they are different
>> machines).
> horde is on my imap server. I understand that  would be a problem  
> were that not the case.
>> Probably not [instructions] anything detailed.
> clearly.
>> The problem seems to be you are using IMAP authentication.  You can't
>> manage IMAP authentication via Horde (e.g., create/delete users, etc)
>> since IMAP doesn't support that.  If you used a backend that supported
>> management (e.g., ldap, sql, etc) then you could (in most cases) do so
>> via Horde.
> I know I'm using IMAP auth. And I know I can't manage imap auth via horde.
> However, horde appears to have options to use the local auth  
> (/etc/passwd  , /etc/shadow). I can't get them to work. I'd like  
> assistance in getting them to work, precisely so I can manage users  
> via horde.

Well, even if you get them to work, you won't be able to manage users  
via horde. Those drivers don't support that. They are designed to  
allow horde to (obviously) authenticate against an existing shadow  
file - which is managed by the OS, not Horde, for obvious reasons.

> One reason is that the documentation for managing users via mySQL is  
> ALSO not very good/available. (a beginning to end instruction set).  
> Another reason is just that it seems like it should be simple to set  
> up this way.

Not much to know about using the mySQL driver. Set the auth backend to  
SQL, make sure the tables are present in the database, which they  
should be, add some users....of course, your users will have to either  
have the same login/pass as they do on the IMAP server or they will  
have to login separately to IMP. The other option is to have your IMAP  
server use SQL authentication, and use the SQL with custom queries  
backend in horde to connect to the same database/tables as your IMAP  


The Horde Project (www.horde.org)
mrubinsk at horde.org

"Time just hates me. That's why it made me an adult." - Josh Joplin
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