[horde] Infinite loop at horde login

Michael Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Sat Oct 10 15:24:38 UTC 2009

Quoting Giorgio Lupi <giorgio.lupi at gmail.com>:

> I've installed Horde framset 3.3.5 on a LAMP Ubuntu 9.4 server.
> All the check on test.php are right, all PERL module required are   
> installed, and the mysql DB has been created without error.
> At this point I have entered to manage  to frameset by web interface  
> ( administration/setup/horde3.3.5 ) and i see something like this: no
> version found please regenerate the configuration.
> I've done it without made any changes (/horde/config/conf.php is   
> already writable) and the browser start a loop whit the server.
> Using   TOP Linux command  I saw many apache2 process using the cpu.
> At the end of looping (after 2  minute) I saw a blank page (showing  
> only the menu on the left).
> so I decide to restore /horde/config/conf.php from conf.bak.php.
> Start again.
> at this thime I tried to confgure authentication before generate  
> configuration: I chose IMAP pointing to my MailServer.
> After generating configuration I get the login page.I put in the  
> fields the right username and the right password and after  pressing  
> enter I get a new login request. Putting again user and  password I  
> get again a new login screen an so on without ending.
> looking in the log of my Email server I found the indication of a   
> succesfull access to my imap account.
> so I decide again to restore /horde/config/conf.php from conf.bak.php.
> Start again:
> Move to horde framset 3.3.4....
> same results....
> Start again
> Move to Horde Groupware Webmail 1.2.4
> after creating config files, running setup.php and creating DB etc...
> I tried to acces via web to configure IMAP , but instead the
> possibility to start the first configuration I alredy saw the login
> page!!!

Either your cookie settings are incorrect or you have a corrupt/stale  
cookie on your browser.



The Horde Project (www.horde.org)
mrubinsk at horde.org

"Time just hates me. That's why it made me an adult." - Josh Joplin
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