[horde] Error while installing

roman stachura roman at stachura.ch
Thu Aug 12 18:21:58 UTC 2010

  Am 12.08.2010 19:44, schrieb Eric Jon Rostetter:
> Quoting Michael Rubinsky <mrubinsk at horde.org>:
>> Horde 4 hasn't been released, the INSTALL docs are not 100% accurate 
>> for the unpackaged code.
> This is _very_ correct.
>> IMO, if you are going to be running the development code, you should 
>> probably pull directly from the git repository and follow the 
>> instructions at http://horde.org/source/git.php - specifically the 
>> section about making your development directory web accessible.
> I tried this last week and couldn't get it to work at all...  Either
> the instructions are wrong, or are missing important steps.
the instructions are working.

> I ended up downloading the snapshots instead, and got further than with
> the git repo at least (though have yet to get it working completely).
> My gut feeling is that the docs/scripts are so incomplete as to be 
> useless
> to anyone new to the git installation process.
If you tell me where you stuck, I can guide you through and based on 
that we can complete the instructions.
As the h4 is still under construction, things can and will change.

> This isn't meant as a complaint, but simply comments based on my trial
> install last week...
>> Mike

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