[horde] Problems installing HORDE 4.0.0RC2 IMP 5.0.0RC2

Juan C. Blanco jcblanco at fi.upm.es
Fri Apr 1 15:29:16 UTC 2011

Hello, I'm using HORDE 3.0+IMP 4.0 and I'm planning some testing on the 
new version 4.0 before it comes out

For the test I want to do a fresh installation of the the horde and imp 
PEAR based modules in a new machine.

I've followed the instructions for the installation first 
Horde_Role-beta running the pos-scripts, then horde-beta who install all 
needed packages, after copying the conf.dist.php to conf.php. Then I've 
started the configuraction process from the web.

I've defined the Database configuration to MySQL and defining all 
related parameters and then generated the horde configuration, after 
generating the configuration I receive this messages

     SuccessSuccessfully saved the backup configuration file 
     SuccessSuccessfully wrote /srv/www/htdocs/horde/config/conf.php
     ErrorSQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 
'horde.horde_alarms' doesn't exist

Then following the HORDE announce recomendations I'm expecting the 
"Update all DB schemas" button but there is not. Since the horde_* 
tables in MySQL where not created I don't know what is the method to do 
the database tables creation.

Searching trough the web directory I've found the file where this button 
is created (/srv/www/htdocs/horde/templates/admin/config/index.html) and 
removed the conditional "<if:schema_outdated>" parts, but even if the 
button is now printe, when clicked the tables where not created and the 
error of missing table continues:

     SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 
'horde.horde_alarms' doesn't exist

Hope someone con give me some points about what I'm doing wrong.

Thanks and regards

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