[horde] Upgrade to Horde4, or stay with 3?

Bruno Costacurta techie at costacurta.org
Wed May 11 19:12:23 UTC 2011

>> > It seems the configuration file conf.php is not portable from H3.
>> > So there is the need to start from scratch file conf.php from H4.
>> > Meaning the lost of all specific configuration used in previous H3.
> Firstly, you could copy over the H3 file and edit.  But to do so,  
> you'd need to know what features have changed and the reasons for  
> those changes.  And it's not likely you could do that without doing  
> a clean H4 install and looking at the new file.  But then you'd  
> already have a new H4 file - so at the point the work you're trying  
> to avoid will have been done.  Why not just do a diff on the two  
> files and move over the options you're really concerned about  
> (assuming you didn't set them properly as you were setting up the H4  
> file)?

(first, Simon, sorry for my previous top-posting. Thanks for your  
attention about the netiquette)

Manual actions, which are always error-prone, are needed about  
configuration files when upgrading from H3 to H4, correct ?
So there is *no* auto-upgrade path from H3 to H4.
This is a drawback.


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