[horde] Upgrade to Horde4, or stay with 3?

Gunnar Wrobel wrobel at horde.org
Sat May 14 04:54:01 UTC 2011

Zitat von Reindl Harald <h.reindl at thelounge.net>:

> the main question is: are the still updates for Horde3 in the future?
> if not we get really funny because one have the choice between
> secruity-problems or some days to migrate his whole stuff and
> pray that it works really
> i will never understand why somebody thinks it is a good
> attitude to throw away backward-compat......
> seeing that there no longer tarballs, the PEAR splitted in thousands of
> packages without thinking one second what this means for rpm-driven systems
> and apckage-builders feels like nobody cares about users as also in
> bugreports like http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/9670

I have been maintainer/packager for several distributions for quite  
some time with the focus of web applications. This is one of the main  
reasons why I favor PEAR packaging in the PHP area over anything else.  
This is by no means a problem for RPM packagers but instead helpful.



> Am 11.05.2011 18:25, schrieb Bruno Costacurta:
>> Hello,
>> IMHO I'll answer 'No'. Why ?
>> It seems the configuration file conf.php is not portable from H3.
>> So there is the need to start from scratch file conf.php from H4.
>> Meaning the lost of all specific configuration used in previous H3.
>> (note : I queried the mailing list about this (lack of ?)  
>> portability H3 to H4 but got no clear answer about this).
>> Bye,
>> Bruno
>>> Hi all... I have been watching with interest the posts from people
>>> upgrading to H4 and am keen to do so, with some good functionality and
>>> improvements that will make several things easier for my family setup...
>>> BUT there are a couple of things that I am hesitant about.
>>> I have a full function H3 setup
>> (snip)

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