[horde] ActiveSync error and not logging

Michael J Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Mon Dec 19 23:11:23 UTC 2011

Quoting Stephan Kleber <stephan at admin.nabira.de>:

> Thanks Mike for the quick response,
>>> Any ideas where to look next?
>> What does the tcpdump look like, other than it has "traffic with the
>> ActiveSync-URL involved"? There is likely some useful information there.
> Sometimes all you need is another perspective. I thought of further
> debugging on php-level... and forgot about the dump...
> Horde says to the client:
> <html>
> <head><title>Horde :: Fatal Error</title></head>
> <body style="background:#fff; color:#000"><h1>A fatal error has
> occurred</h1><h3>Horde_Log_Handler_Stream: &quot;&quot; cannot be opened
> with mode &quot;a+&quot;</h3><h3>Details have been logged for the
> administrator.</h3></body>
> </html>
> No wonder the client can not parse this.
> What file could it mean? There is nothing between the quotes. The log
> files (horde, as, php-error) definitely are writeable through the web
> server user. It writes things in there occasionally ;)
> Where to look at next? Any ideas?

Do you have activesync specific logging enabled? If so, what is the  
path you have entered? The webserver must be able to write to the  
directory you have specified - not just the individual file (we try to  
create device specific log files now).


The Horde Project (www.horde.org)
mrubinsk at horde.org

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