[horde] Setting sql addressbook read-only

Michael J Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Thu Feb 2 20:20:17 UTC 2012

Quoting Stephan <steffo76 at gmx.de>:

> Am 02.02.2012 18:08, schrieb Michael J Rubinsky:
>> Quoting steffo76 at gmx.de:
>>> Hi,
>>> is there any way to set an additional sql addressbook defined in
>>> turba's backends.local.php read-only ? I have defined one which is
>>> read-only in the sense that the username for the connection to the sql
>>> server has read only access to the database. Is it possible to geht
>>> rid of the 'Edit' and 'Delete' tabs for this source ?
>> You can set up a new address book source that uses sql as a backend,
>> provide all the connection information as demonstrated in the example
>> sources, but do NOT use shares. You can then manage the permissions for
>> this address book via Horde's administrative permissions interface and
>> give all authenticated uses read only access to this source.
> Ah, ok, so I will need to add permissions for turba and underneath  
> that permissions for sources and underneath that one permissions for  
> that particular address-book ? And I better give all authenticated  
> users read and view access to the turba entry or they won't be able  
> to see any address book ? While experimenting it looked like there  
> is no need for any user to have permissions set on the 'sources'  
> part of the tree. Do they need any ?
> Permissions
>   |--All Permissions
>     |--Address Book (turba) <- All Authenticated Users Show and Read
>       |--Sources (sources)
>        |--<Name of my address-book>

The permissions need to be on the actual address book, "test" in your  


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mrubinsk at horde.org

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